
The Body
at a Loss
My Skies of
Small Horses

The Body, Like Bread
Finishing Line Press
March 15, 2016
Seven Floors Up
Selected Poems
Journal of Radical Wonder: "Oh, Pandora", "The Naturalist" and "Real and Pretend"
Terrain: "Dear America"
Rattle: "In the Checkout Line at Rite Aid,"
VerseDaily: "In the Checkout Line at Rite Aid," (reprint)
table/FEAST: "Tender" and "The Apple-Polisher"
Autumn Sky Poetry Daily: "As Much as an Agnostic Can Pray" and "What to Expect: The Teenage Years"
Writing in a Woman's Voice: "After Twenty Years, We Stop Giving Each Other Cards"
Your Daily Poem: "Go On, Stay"
Pratik: "Revival" and "Secret Favorite"
Headline Poetry: "The Escape"
Across the Social Distances: "Field Day"
Quaranzine: "Measures," "Love in the Time of Covid," and "Elegy for the Beloved Stranger"
MockingHeart Review: "Match""The Fly Implores You to Attend to Your Life,"and "Wake, Butterfly, It's Late"
West Trestle: "Reading Miller's Essay 'On Tragedy and the Common Man' the Night before Reading the Radiologist's Report"
So to Speak "Miss Carriage" won the annual poetry contest, judged by Arielle Greenberg.
"Taking My Time" appears in the CavanKerry Press anthology, Places We Return To.
Verse Daily:"What It's Like To Be A Girl" and "In the Checkout Line at Rite Aid"
Hartskill Review: "Patient Survey"
Shark Reef: "Variations on a Theme" (Nominated for Best of the Net)
Shark Reef: "Iterations of Loss" (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize)
Lady/Liberty/Lit: "Rethinking Mrs. Robinson in the #MeToo Moment"
The Manifest-Station: "Life After Death"
Salon.com: "What We Tell Our Sons about Rape"
Zocalo Public Square: "Can Books Build Community?"
Places We Return To (CavanKerry Press: "Taking My Time"
Like a Fat Gold Watch: "Pure" and "Greed"
Bared: On Bras and Breasts (Les Femmes Folles Press): "After Googling Normal Breasts" and "The Milk-Wet Ache"
Women Write Resistance: Poets Resist Gender Violence (Hyacinth Girl Press): "mum"
White Ink: Poems on Mothers and Motherhood (Demeter Press): "Administering My Dog's Cancer Therapy, I Think about My Sons"
Letters to the World: Poems from the WomPo Listserv (Red Hen Press): "Pomegranate, Juiced"
Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel-- Second Floor (No Tell Books): "Pomegranate, Juiced"
Slow Unraveling of Living Ghosts with Johnny Bender and illustrated by Steve Lossing (Inlandia Books; out of print; limited edition)
The Way Things Move the Dark (dancing girl press)
what Desire makes of us (print: dancing girl press e-chapbook: Ahadada Books)
(al)most delicious (dancing girl press)
small fruit songs (Pudding House Press; out of print)